Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Mindful Eating Meditation I Do to Stay Calm (Step-by-Step)

Mindful Eating Meditation

15 years ago I discovered a simple mindful eating meditation technique at a Buddhist monastery in Nepal. It's been a lifesaver.  Today, whenever I notice that I'm eating in a rush, stressed, or anxious, I try eating mindfully using this method.  By the time I finish my meal, I usually feel calm, present, and clear-headed.  So in this blog post, I'll explain how to practice mindful eating step-by-step, following this method.
Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Beauty of Silence: Learning to Live Without Distractions

The Beauty of Silence

I know, this might sound like a strange question but don't you ever feel the need to switch off all distractions and just focus on what you are doing?

I mean, today's technology offers us endless options to keep ourselves busy even while doing mindless tasks.  We have education, information, and entertainment at the reach of our fingertips, and available 24/7.  

I totally love that.  But what if we just put our devices down and simply stay in silence?